Lyricist Lounge

San Francisco 94117
February 05.
San Francisco
Why join?

Welcome back to school! We are very excited to kick off the rest of...

Welcome back to school! We are very excited to kick off the rest of the year with the first Lyricist Lounge of the semester. Last Lyricist Lounge, we brought out 250 people! We are back in UC 4th Floor Lounge to listen to some really amazing poets, we have DJ Royce/Devarock with us again, and I will also introduce your National Slam Poetry Team representing the University of San Francisco!

This month's theme is "There's Beauty in the Struggle," which artist J. Cole talks about in his music. Seeing as how it's Black History Month, I thought this theme was super relevent. I hope to hear poets from all different backgrounds and expereinces as usual. Come to sign up early, bring your friends, and we'll see you NEXT Friday! -Sarah
More information on the website of the event.


San Francisco 94117, 2130 Fulton Street, University Center 411


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