The SAFE Place @ SF State is the sexual violence resource ctr for students. We provide support & programming on issues of sexual violence.
If you or someone you know thinks they have been sexually assaulted you have options.
Call 911 or 338-2208
Go to The SAFE Place Monday thru Friday 9-5pm
Go to SFWAR for more options.
Student peer educators and professional staff work as a team to provide information about student rights, responsibilities and resources. Professional staff members are campus advocates and certified Crisis Intervention Counselors. We offer peer education, volunteer and internship opportunities.
Only an aware, committed community can create a truly safe campus.
Crisis Counseling/ Advocacy
The SAFE Place offers Crisis Counseling and Victim/ Survivor Advocacy Monday- Friday 9-5pm (closed 12-1pm). Just walk into our office in SSB 208 and ask for a SAFE Place Counselor,
The SAFE Place recognizes that sexual violence not only affects women but also men. Men who have been sexually violated are less likely to report due to stigma as well as many other reasons. Male survivors are encouraged to use any of the services available at The SAFE Place.
As Crisis Counselors we deal with those most immediate concerns of a survivor or friend of a survivor of sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, sexual harassment or stalking. We are available to listen and help prioritize needs according to what a survivors says they need most whether it is physical care, the need to talk about the assault, resources for support, or safety concerns. We also help make referrals on-campus and off-campus. Crisis counseling is a confidential service.
As Victim/ Survivor Advocates we can offer assistance in the following ways:
Reviewing options
Many times if someone is a victim of a crime, they are confused about their options for reporting the crime, as well as what the pros and cons of reporting may be. The SAFE Place advocate can discuss these options and assist the survivor in making a decision that is best for them.
Assistance in reporting the crime to law enforcement on campus
If someone wants to report the crime to law enforcement on campus The SAFE Place advocate can accompany the survivor during that process.
Assistance in reporting a Title IX complaint with the University
People have the right to feel safe on campus, and harming another student is strictly against University policy. There are procedures that The SAFE Place can assist with to ensure safety. Come to the SAFE Place for information on your rights and reporting incidents.
Academic intervention
If a survivior is in need of academic intervention, The SAFE Place may be able to advocate and help minimize the loss of academic standing.
Assist in obtaining counseling
After an assault, counseling is often a good idea. The SAFE Place advocate can refer survivors to counseling services on and off campus.
Assistance in resources and referrals
The SAFE Place advocate can review what may be the best options or resources and referrals for the survivor and assist in getting what is needed, whether it be accessing a shelter, filing a restraining order, or seeking legal help.
Assist in obtaining medical care
Even if a crime is not reported to law enforcement, survivors may obtain free medical care. The SAFE Place can assist a survivor in obtaining medical care.