UCSF Dental Alumni Association (DAA)

San Francisco
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UCSF Dental Alumni Association, Est. 1882. Join & support the DAA here: https://makeagift.ucsf.edu/site/SPageServer?pagename=A1_API_AlumniGivingForm&Primary=Dentistry

Established to meet the desire of alumni for a continuing relationship with their school, the UCSF Dental Alumni Association (DAA) supports fellowship among our alumni.

The UCSF DAA is a vibrant organization of dentists and dental hygienists. We support UCSF School of Dentistry through student outreach and through a host of other activities. We support alumni through facilitating a means for alumni to remain in touch with the School and with each other.

Our annual UCSF DAA Scientific Session, celebrated annually, is an outstanding two-day Scientific Session filled with CE courses and networking events for all dentistry insiders. As part of the Scientific Session, class reunions are coordinated by the Office of Alumni Relations.

The UCSF Dentistry Alumni Association (DAA) offers you an easy way to reconnect with friends and classmates, make contact with colleagues around the country, and meet today's students and faculty.

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