SFSU Composition for Multilingual Students Program

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The Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) Program serves San Francisco State University non-native English speaking students. http://cmls.sfsu.edu

The Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) Program serves students enrolled at San Francisco State University who are non-native speakers of English. The CMS Program offers courses that fulfill SFSU's graduation requirements for written and oral communication; we offer equivalent classes for first- and second-year composition, in addition to literacy skills, grammar, and other courses. These courses are taught by instructors who are experienced in designing and teaching academic writing, grammar and speech courses for non-native speakers.

Today, about half of the students in the program are international students, and the other half are permanent immigrants, refugees, or U.S. citizens who have been in the U.S. anywhere from six months to twenty years. With an enrollment of over 1,000 students, our program is the largest of its kind in the CSU system. We offer between 40 and 50 sections of a total of nine credit-bearing classes each semester.

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