San Francisco Art Institute Legion of Graduate Students

San Francisco
N/A member
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Year of establishment
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Who are we?

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The place where your voice will be heard...

The Legion of Graduate Students is intended to be a communicative bridge between the Graduate population, the Graduate Division Leadership (Dean of Academic Affairs, MFA Program Director, MA Program Director, Low-Residency Program Directors, Director of Graduate Administration and Director of Graduate Operations), , Student Affairs, and the Undergraduate Student Union at The San Francisco Art Institute. Through L.O.G.S. the students form a collective voice on matters related to the graduate academic experience and student life. L.O.G.S., in conjunction with Student Affairs formulates activities to build community and unify the student body.
Students are encouraged to submit proposals for cooperative based events. L.O.G.S. is the entire Graduate student body, all are encouraged to attend open meetings.

Your current LOGS members are: Britt Acocelli, Nolan Jankowski, and Courtney Whit

Our awesome members

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